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The current Australian bushfires have killed a third of the Koala population, just in New South Wales ( Let that sink in for just a moment.

Ten million hectares have been burned; thousands of people were evacuated and thousands more homes have been destroyed. The wildlife of the affected areas has been the most severely affected.

Bloomberg reports that a study by Chris Dickman, an animal scientist at the University of Sydney,Rolex Replica indicates more than 800,000,000 animals were killed in New South Wales, alone. One billion died nationwide.

The massive amount of global aid made available for this cause is heartwarming.

Our friends from Down Under at Time+Tide have been leading the #WatchFam charge on this front. The 'Watch & Act!'World Watch Auction to benefit the Australian bushfires, was their initiative. It brought top watch brands and watch experts together to sell timepieces.

Andrew McUtchen is the founder of Time+Tide. In a statement about the initiative, he writes, "100% of the proceeds will be donated to five charities. Two rural fire service groups, Country Fire Authority of Victoria and Rural Fire Service of New South Wales, two wildlife rescue groups, Wildlife Victoria and World Wildlife Fund,franck muller replica and one fund called the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund. This fund was created for the South-East region of Victoria that has been especially hard-hit.

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Watch & Act! World Watch Auction to help with the Australian Bushfires

We are proud to announce 003/250 Divers Sixty Five "Honey" from The Rake and Revolution. The auction is currently underway and will conclude at 9am AEST, Friday January 31, 2019. Look for the Honey lot number 23 to bid.

Click here to bid on a worthy cause.

Rolex Replica Divers 65 "Honey" For The Rake and Revolution

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